First phase “Love or Lust”


12th September 2024 | 21 Views | 0 Likes

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Are you in a relationship -“YES”. How cool it sounds right! But in today’s lifestyle, Do we really mean it.

Let’s take an example – Once kids started to reach their high school, their lifestyle and curiosity to explore leads them in a relationship and I’m pretty sure they don’t even realise what the concept of love is.

Here, I’m not saying that this is some kind of showcase to the society, Oppositely I think this is the base for the concept of love because here they made relations just based on their emotions, to put in simple – liking or disliking. 

Exploring the Love-

Do u remember your first “crush?” I’m sure if you think back in time that would put a smile on your face.

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First experience when we started to like someone’s company. Every moment we spend with them makes you happier. Even nights when we started to think about them and make plans for the next day. We all were unknown that time what was that, we just want to be with them all the time. 

These are pure emotions. We were afraid to even ask for a date. So Sometimes it really takes time to get into a relationship because we got stuck in between – “what” & “If”. 

Entering in the world of Lust-

The problem starts  when we entered into an intimate relationship. First, because everything looks new so we thoroughly enjoy that and everything works good. But at some point you find yourself attracted towards others as well.

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So here starts the journey of Lust. It started a gap in a relationship. Then trust issues, jealousy and many question marks. Some even started to cheat their partners. The ones which survive this stage are the ones which stay throughout life.

“There are many up’s & down’s in a relationship. But those who have love as a root can survive and  build a relationship for life”.

Chahat Ranjan



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