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Why Greek Mythology???


    12th November 2024 | 9 Views | 0 Likes

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    Why Greek Mythology???

    These days I am very much immersed in the vast and wonderful world of Greek mythology. But that doesn’t seem to be a quite interesting topic to many whom I talk about daily. “But why, Greek mythology?” That is their question. Am I trying to give answers to them or rather to myself?

    After a gap of almost 15 years from college I took a post graduate degree in English Literature, just for fun and learning. Those who are familiar with English Literature may know that almost all the writers had borrowed generously from the Greek and Roman writers of ancient times. Especially when you start with Chaucer and go on with Shakespeare, Milton and the like. Moreover a decent start to any western literature begins from the garden of the Greeks and the Romans…So I too approached them just to pluck one or two flowers…But, Oh ..my God! Such a vast garden with every variety of story you may get interested very soon…Then I slowed down my pace, decided to enjoy the greenery, the flowers, their fragrance or stinge whatever it is…. And that is my answer to the title question.

    When you enter that ancient world of Gods and Goddesses, we can embrace almost all the drama and action we may see in our modern world too.

    That may be the case with all mythological stories. As Indians we too have a big legacy in that aspect, for sure. Since I am specializing in Greek, I can underline that only for now.Twelve Titans With Greek Godly Outfits

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