One day #Winner came to ‘Loser house. Loser said ” brother-Winner, how come you manage to win most of time.
Winner: brother Loser, I am always involved with activities which #promote my goals. I know what I can get, I work for same. I avoid working for what I wish. #Wishes are different in the sense, some time it is difficult to #realise them. Therefore I make it a point that no situation I am working is too #big for me.
Loser said “you know Winner we have one number which is common between your and mine #working style.”
Winner said “which number, I do not #understand , what you are talking about.
Loser: Persons who #try #thousand times wins the game. And become Winner.
Persons who #complain thousand times ‘lose the game. And becomes #Koser.
Hence number “thousand “is #common and important number in Loser And Winner life.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK