Leonardo Phoenix A Surreal Scene Filled With Ethereal Moonligh 2

What now? After I made it.


    7th November 2024 | 14 Views | 0 Likes

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    What now? 
    After i made it. 

    All those years, dreaming about this, 
    this distant peak, 
    That before seemed more arduous than reaching the stars. 

    At this peak, 
    I feel as if I’m sitting under the moon. 
    Not because it’s calm and serene, 
    Rather it’s lonely and isolated. 

    Does this journey now, 
    Seem so ephemeral
    after reaching the peak. 
    Which felt eternal in the past, 
    Like an endless ascent. 

    The pale moonlight, 
    Draws them from my soul
    The ambitions
    That led me to the summit I had once
    longed for. 

    I press my eyes shut, 
    Is there any need to ever open them again? 

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