Hindu epic Mahabharata has many small stories where one side get involved in strong ego and believe in taking #revenge in battle field for their personal gains. Taking revenge is #negative emotions and it starts chain reactions of negative feeling in two sides involved in conflicts.
It true some persons due to negative attitude try to harm you. Sometimes you get hurt emotionally, sometimes physically also. I agree in the same process your #ego is hurt and consequently negative emotions get into brain and you start thinking negatively how to take revenge for same.
In this process instead of moving forward you are going #backward and remain always in state of confused mind. What to do,how to do.This way your #concentration on your goal of life get distracted.
Best is to forget about taking revenge and move forward. Consume your precious energy in some positive #karma. Have faith in #almighty, he will not spare person who is always involved in negative karmas.
On personal bases in epic #Mahabharata Pandvas always let go negative karma of their brother #Duryodhan. To avoid revenge negative emotions even they were ready to settle for five #villages instead of whole nation. But when it became question of #”Dharma” involving survival of their country then Pandvas with guidance of lord #Krishna fought battle of #Kurukshetra.
Moral -best is to avoid revenge emotions as far as possible and move forward in life.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK