In geometrical figure : #circle, #square and #triangle, if all three have the same area. Mathematical knowledge tells us that the circle can achieve that #area with the least #circumference and the triangle will require the most #perimeter.
Life has parameter of #happiness, #sadness, #good time and badtimes.
Let life area is x .With x area there are three modes of life which can be represented : circle, square and triangle.
Mathematical knowledge teaches us that geometrical figure Circle has least circumference while tringle will have most perimeter.
Geometrical figure circle is simpler than square and triangle. Circle wins the battle of #simplicity also. Circle exhibit more #symmetry than square and triangle. Because of above stated rules, law of nature makes life #move in circles not in square or tringles of happiness, sadness, good time and bad time.
Moral- It gives us message if one is stuck with bad time for a while in life, please do not worry, have #faith good times are on the way and will reach you soon by #movement of life circle.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK