Grand Parents Magic

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Sukarma Thareja

12th September 2024 | 7 Views | 0 Likes

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Grand Parents- Magic

I was blessed child as I learnt good value system  from my #grandparents .

My #grandmother was early risers.She used to go for walk  in morning. When ever I would get up early I would accompany her.My grandfather  taught me and my brother how to do Surya namskar.Significance of Surya Namskar I know now.I practice  it as and when  I get time.

My grandfather taught me how to write letter in Hindi and English language. He would make me and my brother do #creative writing.

Best part he would check our writings everyday. That training  skilled me and my brother about #grammar of hindi and English language.He would teach us where to put coma,semicolon and full spot.Some times my friends  used to come to my house to learn creative writing  from my grandfather. It was big fun #learning from my grandfather  in presence of my friends.

My self and my brother always feel #secured at home even if my parents  were out for some particular  work.

My grandmother used to make #wonderful  snacks for family.These snacks were  delicious.Myself and my brother  miss those snacks now.

Grandparents  are #grace of family.We must learn from their #valuable  experiences. 

Moral -We must respect our #grandparents  We must learn from #teachings of grandparents 

Dots of Thoughts-Quote Sukarma Thareja

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Sukarma Thareja



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