3 simple steps for the busiest man to organize his day in 5 minutes


12th September 2024 | 1 Views | 0 Likes

Disclaimer from Creator: I would like to give Cal Newport The Author of "How to become a straight a student" from where I have taken inspiration for this article.

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All of us have multiple things to juggle in our day and finding time to organize your day is a pain and many of us can’t be bothered. But the reality is using these 5 min of your morning (and if you are really busy do them in the washroom) to organize your day can save you roughly 3 hours every day and 1095 hours in a year!! The stats are phenomenal and this is how you can do it.

Step 1

Give a time block to everything. The first step to organizing your time is to realize how much time you have. If you don’t realise how much time you have available you are bound to overestimate or underestimate your time. So figuring out your time can completely change your perspective of time. So start by creating a time block in your calendar app (I personally use google calendar)start by create a event let’s say for breakfast from 10 AM to 11 AM and set it to repeat daily and continue to do so by everything you do every day for example mine goes something like this Waking Up -> Breakfast -> Studying -> Guitar -> Lunch -> Web Designing and so on until the end of your day. Before doing this I would just create time blocks for things that mattered to me but that really made no difference because seeing all the empty space in my brain tricked it into thinking as I have a lot of time and then because of that I misjudged how much time I actually have and because of that I failed in doing anything that I scheduled. That is just how important it is to take into account everything you are going to do in your day. To recap make a time block for everything in your day and that means everything from waking up to sleeping. After this you are ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2

Start your day with a sheet. The second step is the shortest one and takes approximately 1 second. The Step is to just take a sheet which you will be a todo list you can also use a digital app for this, the point of this is so that whenever a new task or any new thing that was not in your calendar comes up in your life you are just going to jot this down. The reason for this is because no matter how good you believe your memory is you are going to forget that 1 thing which really matters and I learnt this the hard way is where our teacher announced the final project worth as much as the previous three project and I made the project and then when the deadline was announced I decided to remember it after all I am a expert at memorizing things I can remember a 400 word essay with ease, I have chess games of Mikhail Tal practically painted in my brain and yet the day came and I lost marks equivalent to 3 projects and the hopes of getting a A grade and it dawned on me the importance of a todo list. To Recap always have a todo list or app with you so that whenever a new task comes up in your life you can quickly jot down. Moving on to the final step you are now 1 paragraph away from managing your time perfectly

Step 3

The Day is done not it’s time for the task. The final step is the result of your hard work in the previous 2 step. Here everything combines and gives you your complete day schedule. This step comes after the first day has passed what you do is take your calendar and take your todo list and look at all the todo item and schedule them whenever you need to do them so if you have something due tomorrow morning you are going to schedule it today similarly if something is due next week schedule it one day before the deadline to have a safe spot. When I started using this method in this complete 3 step framework I was surprised how much I could finally start completing and the next year I missed a total of 0 projects and instead I became the Web Developer Head of my School and completed over 9 co-curricular projects. I am confident if you use this 3 step framework you are also going to experience the happiness of completing everything and making time for anything and everything you value. To Recap Get your todolist and calendar app and then schedule in all the items from your todo list to your google calendar. Now even if you are not convinced by now I would suggest that you just try it once its not going to hurt you but it might just change your mind and your life.



Akshat Hatwal



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