Many people think #food which come to their plate is just a dead ,ordinary and cooked #material.
Obviously it not. Farmers work hard day and night and produce clean healthy #crops.
Crop is processed and sent to market for trade, from market it comes to individual kitchen and it is cooked with lots of effort ,precision and love by cook or chef and come to our plate. Before taking #food one should acknowledge gratitude of God, farmers, mothers and cook. That train of forces has not only #monetary aspect but #emotional and #spiritual aspect that makes our food so precious,delicious which may look dead to some persons but become #miracle when consumed by human body.Food fulfills hunger need of every soul. This food gets converted to energy. This energy make human do mental and physical work. Therefore one is advised to use that ₹₹energy for doing positive karma.
In epic of Mahabharata Lord Krishna also advised queen Dropsti to never #waste food even it is one rice itself. Food is unique #manifestation of God.
This is a reason in Hindu #dharma we pray to God for giving us enough #food at right time with support of our family and many noble souls with whose help we get #food in our plate.
Food should not be #wasted. It should be taken care as we take care of money. Sharing #food with needy people is a blessing. Humans should also take care that while consuming their own #food one should see other species present in #planet should also get their due food. For human survival, it is necessary that other species present in planet should also survive.
Moral-Let us bow down to food on our food plate before consuming it. Never forget to share food with needy persons.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK