Small Girl Walking School With Big Dreams in Her Eyes


12th September 2024 | 6 Views | 0 Likes

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A small girl, with dreams in her eyes,

Walking to school, under the bright skies.

Her steps so light, her spirit so free,

Imagining the future, she longs to see.


With each passing day, she grows a bit more,

Learning and exploring, from shore to shore.

She dreams of becoming something great,

A beacon of hope, a guiding light’s fate.


Her mind’s a canvas, ready to create,

A world of wonders, a destiny to take.

She envisions the stars, she aims for the sky,

Determined to soar, to reach up high.


With every challenge, she’ll rise above,

Embracing the journey, fueled by love.

Her dreams may seem far, but she’ll persist,

For she knows that with passion, nothing resists.


So let her dreams bloom, let them expand,

For she’ll be the woman, she always planned.

From a small girl with open eyes gleaming,

To a force to be reckoned, forever dreaming.

– By Pranali Rayasane

Pranali Rayasane



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