Death!!! A monster,that knows no boundary..


12th September 2024 | 3 Views | 0 Likes

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Death is a monster,the turfest that has and will ever exist.It has robbed us of people near and far. Some are very close while others are distant. It has robbed us of important,healthy,young and energetic people,who take the nation ahead.Old respectable men and women,leaving the young generation with no examples to look up to.Death knows no boundary,it knows no one,it comes at anytime,no one knows the time or the hour when it knocks on our doors. It can find us anywhere amidst happy or sad moments. Even if you don’t call death,it appears.From the jaws of death we are held right,it’s chords calling out to see whom to devour,we are hunted day by day, death is determined to snatch us from the face of the earth.But,we are not completely finished,we have a great man,a conqueror,a warrior of warriors,never equaled,He alone conquered death and it’s chords,and by him,we have life, that even when we are dead,we have life eternal through him.

-jane sherry🌹

N. Namagembe Jane



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