‘Worrying,a tool we mostly us as humans,will never be,and has never been a solution to anything in life’.


12th September 2024 | 4 Views | 0 Likes

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We live in the world full of strife and confusion. Economic  challenges,health  issues,social hinderances, emotional breakdowns and political turmoil. This burns us out automatically and we are bound by nature to fall into depths of “worry”,since there are alot of unexplainable things around us. All we need, is to remain calm amidst all storms and challenges of life. We shouldn’t worry too much after all, worrying reduces rather than add on our lives.Even Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, asks us a question in “Matthew 6:25-27″that,”who of you,by worrying,can add a single hour to your life”. Let’s remember that,God is in control. Remain calm he has got your back covered he will not let you be consumed,keep the faith and trust in him.He will lead you to the other side safely.

-jane sherry 🌹

N. Namagembe Jane



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