How much more
how much more is less
they accumulate wealth
and call themselves
rich if the day
with emotions far at the bay
Or slept away
how much more
how much more
they call themselves Great
with fame on their name
it’s all certainly not an illusion
it exists everywhere
but how much more of earth
you want anyway
they shop
they go hop hop
they shop their way
they don’t think twice
on their needs
they buy it anyway
how much more
how much more
will you shop anyway
each day counts
in your prayer
but you go hop hop
to shop again
Religion doesn’t teaches
strong enough
to control this havoc
They value diamonds
they make
they command the make
they wear new new
each day
how much more
how much more
will jewellery be the need
of each day
they don’t see the beggar
on streets
he is invisible
when you go to buy diamonds
how can you feel poverty
any day in any way
they wear rubies
they call it a day
a child is declared dead
just the other day
this child was not far away
from the jewels in your place
but Anyway
It doesn’t matter
the child was invisible
at the jewel’s shop
anyway let’s run our life
go hop hop
market has new surprise
no one will change
no one is listening to you
My words are silent