Contemporary identities are mostly toxic


12th September 2024 | 3 Views | 0 Likes

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There are only two identities that have never hurt me in all the tests that I’ve endured over the years: “I am a human” and “I am a child of God (the Trinity).” Anything else will put my mind on autopilot and manipulate my thoughts, behaviors, and muscles, eventually causing anxiety (not pure fear).

man showing photo of him

Winning an international figure skating competition in my early life prevented me from undertaking a small project that did not result in me winning in some way. Being a “tech” person since 2001 has prevented me from starting anything else unless other rewards can replace pride. Being a disciple of God caused me to jump from one trial to the next in search of an effective way to evangelize, despite the fact that He never appeared to me or the Church ordained me to do so. When I see a need to force myself, being a “tough” guy always triggers a depressing memory, not to mention all the derivative memories I created to add more mindset walls to keep me from going astray.

It caused spasms. It contributed to cramping, bleeding, a depressive mood, and emotional numbing. These contradict Jesus’ statement that “the Truth will set you free.” So, what are your options? Those who force identities are unknowingly using them to control others. I choose to follow Catholic teaching because I want to, not because I have to. I serve God because I want to, not because I have to. I choose to do small things because they are required, not because they are who I am. Something is always underneath whenever I have difficulty picking something without my mind interfering.

My mind surgery methods have assisted me in removing thousands of little memories from my mind. It’s not ended yet, but splitting a memory of label and identity into two helped me a lot. It used to be one, so when others labeled me in their way, I was irritated, but now that I’ve separated the two, label doesn’t equal identity. Nobody could ever take away the freedom that God has bestowed upon me.

To be honest, I believe that psychiatrists and psychologists are quite excellent at using percentage-based categorization and sophisticated techniques to suppress problems. I don’t deny that, but they can’t heal their patients. In fact, pills are frequently marketed as medicinal. They are not. Is it a cure if you take a cancer medicine and it returns? The tech industry continues to use hype to keep their staff proud; this is known as employer branding. 

From allowing them to talk to implementing digitalization, AI, mental wellness, and design thinking, whatever that work put into an identity will instill pride and lure them as if they are that identity to boost their esteem. Similarly, several cities, like San Francisco, have effectively transformed sickness into pride. How could you trust someone who is proud to be ADHD, but people do, they don’t distinguish between what is good and bad, and the market often mandates that you go for what appears daring or famous.

Because they heard that cool word and began identifying themselves with other psychiatric concepts, many of my customers have indicated that they had serious psychosis. A psychoanalyst priest in Oakland, California, was quite wise not to give me a psychoanalysis result, claiming that it would have a bad effect. However, many mental health patients are frequently misdiagnosed and begin calling themselves with a foreign word that they have only recently learned. 

The end result? They begin to act like that new condition, rejecting any possibility that they are not sick, and even begin teaching people about their symptoms in order to feel knowledgeable. These mental health identities are highly poisonous and injure individuals; I’m not sure if the acceptance and compassion they foster outweigh the self-labeling and escapism they foster through self awareness. 

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