You have to choose. Do you want to sit down and go back to how you were? NO. That's why I have to do it. It's going to bring you different things. Everything has to be like this. Wherever I am, everything has to be there.
It's a very difficult thing to do, you'll fail and you'll be stuck. You can say, I'm not good enough. It's what you achieve every day that counts. By the way, man, I'm 43. You start to be successful. The refrigerator is full. I'm retired. When you're 40, people shouldn't play basketball or football anymore, or you start to believe that, and it sticks in your head. I'm 43, or I'm in my 30s, and I'm still running a hundred miles a week, doing thousands of push-ups, thousands of pull-ups. Because I don't allow myself to be a citizen.
The worst thing that can happen to a person is to be successful. You lost it. Why do I do this? I'm fine. You're not going to ride it. That's just my feeling. You want to be different from different people, that's all. A lot of people say, Hey, where's my demo?
Let me see. Everybody stand up. So where am I going to teach? If I can't think of anything else, you have to be able to come up with all kinds of things. I can put consistency there. I can put all of these things there. If there is no order in your life, your life is all about you, because all it takes is a little interference from outside to throw your mind into chaos. People don't understand that your mind has to be open all the time. So they have good relationships and discipline, everything is in its place. So when I wake up, I'm ready. That's how I think about myself, man. You know, I'm walking and like you said, you couldn't have said it better.
I don't give to men and neither can you. I can't help others for me. Oh, discipline, getting up early, taking cold showers, this, that, whatever.
It's all bullshit. But what they don't tell you in the stereotype is that our minds are like garages. And the garage, when you open the garage, you see it's all messy, everything is wonderful. There's boats everywhere, kids' toys, and other things. But if you organize your garage and put everything in its place, you can park your car in there.
It's like a heart. People talk about discipline, determination and repetition. There is no room for discipline in the heart. There is no room for monotony, it just creates overload and sparks in our minds. That's what we think, my friend. You go ahead and remove it. You can't put any more stuff in there. Accept them for what they are. But we haven't even touched on the dark stuff that keeps you from mentally cleaning your car. I'll never forget what I went through in my school years. You know, ADHD, and ADHD is not a disease like these drugs or these things. They want to send you to a private school. I don't want to go to a private school during this time. I don't want to be different. I've never taken any medication. That's why you see me looking you right in the eye now. That's why I don't feel sorry for people with ADHD and learning disabilities.
Some things don't work because you can't do them. But there are many things you can do.
But people don't want to go through the process of focusing, they don't want to teach themselves how to focus on reality. That's where my data is lacking. I might say MF or F for lost because that's my passion because it takes everything to learn a sentence. It's impossible to talk about David Goggins calmly and coolly. Because when I wake up, I know what path I need to take to find my own good. It's hard. No, I wake up and do this or that or just, you know, every day I watch people's lives and I get to where I am today easily. It took all my energy.
The temple will rise. The pain will come because I'm coming back. That seemed like wisdom to me and I prepared myself not to be a rabid dog. A lot of people have situations like Jennifer can't do something, you know, if she can't run or if she can't do something, you know, because something's not right. Good for her, you know, something simple, She'll tell you that. That. So I don't remember the past. So people ask, oh my God David, what are you gonna do if you can't run? Fuck it, I'm gonna go swimming or go to college or something like that. So I know how quickly anything can break you. I'm always ready for the next chapter.
So when I was younger, I was a little bit of an asshole, you know, like, oh, I'm not good enough. I can't do this. When I came to, I thought, man, you can achieve so much. If you start taking action and motivating yourself, then try to motivate yourself. You have accomplished a lot in 47 years, I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I have a pretty thick military style notebook. I have done a lot of things outside of military service. I have money. I destroyed the file I downloaded.
I've done a lot of things. You know, you may not live to be old, but if you live to be old and work as hard as you can, wake up early and work hard, then what's going to happen? If you invest right in the beginning, your life will be all about money. I knew right away, man, you're a real jerk. We have to do this because you're not going to be able to do these things at 47. So I preloaded.
When all these bad things happened to me, I sat back and thought, man, how are you going to be okay? I already did it. I already have the money I need. I've accomplished what I wanted. So every morning I wake up I know who I am. I'm loaded perfectly.So I don't care what's taken from me. You can't find yourself, if you love to bench press and you keep benching, what will you find? If you love to swim, if you just want to swim, what do you see? People talk about your beauty three times. That's the weakest thing in the world. Learn something about yourself. You already know the good stuff.
That's why everyone on my Facebook page is like, why don't we talk about the good times? You know how to fix this, jerk. You don't need anyone to tell you how to get through this. It's easy. I'll show you how to help yourself through these bad times. This is real life. 90% of your life will be sucked. You may be a lucky man with a lot of money, a good wife, everything. Trust me. His life is still terrible because he hasn't experienced anything that bothered him in his life.
Something is still eating away at the bastard. Hello everyone. Eat yours. That's it, man. I'm not special. I listen to that voice. That's why I'm talking about it. You swear a lot. When I say "fuck", I want to let you know what I'm thinking. If I tried to do every good and bad thing, this wouldn't be my life.
I had to fight hard every day to get to where I am today. I won't take a shower. I won't take a shower. I'm not happy today. But I'm very happy. You won't find the answer in the light. NO. Very good.
We don't need to learn to live in peace. Happy times. But man, if you don't put yourself in the Dark Ages, then you won't get there and you shouldn't. But that's exactly what you need in the darkest of times.
That's why people. I couldn't read or write until I was a junior in high school. How the hell do you write something like that? Filth. I went to a place in my heart and examined the darkness. Growing up, I saw my mother get beaten, and I got beaten too. I was a black kid in a white school, speechless. I stuttered a little bit and walked off the stage. All the insecurities and all that shit, man. Oh my God, man. Hang in there, man. The only way to solve this problem is to examine it. So whenever I'm in a dark moment and life is spiraling around me physically and emotionally, I reach for pen and paper. It's bad. I feel like I've lost my boat.
Let's look into this.