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Equation : Crucial part of Mathematics

    Amit Raj
    1 Likes | 10 Views | Jan 16, 2025

    Equation is associating something to another thing : One should keep in mind that association must be correct, otherwise that association is not equation. 3 = 5 is not right association so it is not equation.

    Equation is applied in various fields from marketplace to technology everywhere is Equation. In Marketplace using Balance in right way is based on knowledge of equation.

    Making right association is crucial for example in Java ,int i = 3.5 , is not right association because int cant be associated with float.

    Making right association is crucial for desired results. In making right processor the correct association of logic gates is needed for desired results. Everywhere from technology to finance making right association is crucial.

    In finance maximizing earnings is based on knowledge of making right association. Right association is crucial for making right digital and electrical circuits . In digital circuits association of correct logic gates is needed for desired results. In electrical circuits right association of Resistor, Capacitor and various components is needed for desired results.

    In artificial intelligence right association of neural network lead to desired results. In GPS the right association of Position and right association of programming framework leads to desired results.

    From Modern to Router, From Electrical circuit to Digital circuit, From software engineering to making right products everywhere knowledge of making right association is needed.

    Right association making is art , It require knowledge of various tools and basic Maths and Science.


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