The 10 Paranoias I Face While Creating Music Milyin

The 10 Paranoias I Face While Creating Music: Am I Expressing Myself or Masking My Fears? | Ember Rage

    Ember Rage
    0 Likes | 163 Views | Jan 31, 2025


    Creating music, whether it's writing lyrics, creating songs, or creating a music video, is my passion. But sometimes, my creative journey feels clouded by doubt.

    I can't help but wonder if there's more to my creations than just art. Are my words and sounds an authentic expression of who I am, or am I using them to hide parts of myself in beautiful expressions?


    1. What if every note I write is being copied and used against me? The fear that someone will steal my work is always haunting. It's hard to let my creations flow when I feel like they could be taken away or twisted to fit someone else's agenda. But then, I remember that the essence of my music is something only I can create.

    2. People are analyzing my lyrics and music to find hidden messages meant to expose me. There are times when it feels like my songs carry more than just melodies—like they contain hidden truths about myself that others might decode. But what if those hidden messages are just reflections of my own thoughts, not something anyone else is really trying to find?

    3. I hear whispers in the background of the song—are they trying to communicate something to me? Sometimes, in the quiet moments of creation, I feel like I hear things in the background of my music. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks, or maybe it's a reminder that there's more going on beneath the surface.

    4. What if someone's planting ideas in my head to make me write lyrics or compose songs that sound suspicious? The fear that my creativity isn't entirely my own can be unsettling. What if someone is influencing my thoughts, pushing me to create things that don't truly represent who I am? But then I remind myself that the music still comes from me, even if it's shaped by outside forces.

    5. What if I'm just creating music to distract myself from my real emotions? Sometimes, I wonder if my art is a way to avoid dealing with what's truly going on inside me, masking my feelings with melodies and lyrics.

    6. The critics know more about me than I do, analyzing every line, every note, trying to figure out my secrets. There's a strange sense of exposure when people analyze your work. Sometimes, it feels like critics understand me better than I understand myself. But I remind myself that art is personal, and their interpretations are just another viewpoint—one I can't control.

    7. Maybe I'm not creating my own music—maybe it's all coming from outside sources, manipulating me. The thought that my music isn't entirely my own is unsettling. What if I'm just a channel, bringing something from outside myself? But then, I realize that even if there are outside influences, the act of creating still belongs to me.

    8. This song feels too personal—did I accidentally reveal something about myself I wasn't supposed to? Sometimes, when I create something so raw and vulnerable, I wonder if I've shared too much—if I've exposed parts of myself that I wasn't ready to show. But isn't that the power of music? To capture our deepest emotions, even if it feels a little uncomfortable?

    9. What if the lyrics are predicting something bad that's going to happen to me? Sometimes, my words feel like they carry more weight than they should. Are they an omen? A warning? It's hard not to get caught up in the fear that my music could be predicting something negative. But perhaps it's just the emotions of the moment, creating a sense that it can't be avoided.

    10. Are my songs just a reflection of what others want me to say, not my true thoughts? The fear that my music is shaped more by external expectations than by my own true self is a constant struggle. But the more I create, the more I realize that even if others influence me, the final expression is still mine. It may not be perfect, but it's honest.

    During these moments of paranoia, I created six songs that reflected my thoughts and emotions. While I'm still working on sharing all of them. I’ve already uploaded two.

    Here are the songs I made during that time – I've included the links below for you to listen to. Feel free to listen and let me know what you think in the comments.

    1. Throne of Thorns by Paranoia Soundscapes | Emotional Ballad with Powerful Lyrics (2025)

    Throne Of Thorns By Paranoia Soundscapes
    Throne of Thorns by Paranoia Soundscapes | Emotional Ballad with Powerful Lyrics (2025)

    2. The Woman in the Rain by Paranoia Soundscapes | Emotional Ballad with Powerful Lyrics (2025)

    The Woman In The Rain By Paranoia Soundscapes Youtube Thumbnail
    The Woman in the Rain by Paranoia Soundscapes | Emotional Ballad with Powerful Lyrics (2025)


    Creating music, whether it's writing lyrics, creating a song, or creating a music video, is a deeply personal process. But it's also one that's clouded with doubt and paranoia.Every piece of art I create feels like both a reflection of who I am and a shield protecting me from the parts I'm not ready to show. The paranoia may never go away, but maybe that's what makes the process real. It's about finding truth in the balance between what we reveal and what we hide.

    To everyone who creates, who doubts, who wonders if their art is truly their own—remember, you're not alone.

    We're all just trying to make sense of our worlds, one note, one lyric, one frame at a time.

    In the end, my creations are a reflection of who I am at that moment. Sometimes, the music comes from feeling exposed, and sometimes it feels like I'm hiding. But that's the beauty of it, isn't it?

    If you enjoy the content I share, you can follow me on the links below:

    YOUTUBE: Paranoia Soundscapes FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: Ember Rage Original Creations


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