Once I was sailing in the sea. I noticed a whale that was approaching me fast. I could not escape. It came just near to me and took a right turn. I exclaimed, "Hello! I am here!", but it went somewhere else. I could not take its photo. Then came a shark, with a cute little face. It poked its snout into my boat. It looked up at me and took a left turn and went away. A dolphin came, jumping up and down. I exclaimed, "A dolphin!". It came towards me with full speed. It came near and jumped past me and went away. I looked back at the dolphin and then sailed forward.
I sailed and sailed and sailed and sailed. I got tired and slept in the boat. After some time, I found myself several meters above the water. I looked down and saw a blue whale with a fountain of water gushing out of its blowhole, pushing my boat upwards. Then suddenly, the boat fell back in its place and the blue whale was gone.
I continued to sail forward...