These days a lot of controversy is going on the social media regarding attraction of young women towards Alpha Male despite of their aggressive and dominant behavior. On one side women claim for respect and love and end up falling for the Alpha attitude. Let’s try to understand it in the context of human psychology as explained by the Upanishads.
Human beings, without intellect, is not distinct from animals. There is a famous saying which says that a human is born twice. First physically and then intellectually. This intellectual birth is what raises a human from it’s natural animalistic tendencies. Most of the women of this generation are generally deprived here — either due to their fault or society’s.
What is this intellectual birth actually? — education which teaches us that a human life has more to do than food and sex. Please note — education not literacy!!
Let’s discuss this in the context of jungle for better understanding!
What is the mantra for survival in the jungle — May the strongest survive! In the jungles, females select their mating partners based on ferocious power, not on intellect, love, care, compassion, or similar qualities.
Further, the concept of gender equality is also absent there. Male are superior and female are inferior. In other words, physical attributes (body) take precedence over intellectual qualities in the jungle.
As long as the men and women keep identifying themselves as a body, gender equality seems a distant dream. For instance, women can be just as capable, even more, than men in flying fighter jets, but they may not surpass men in hand-to-hand combat. It worth mentioning that fighter plane is the invention of the intellect, hand-to-hand combat is the invention of the body.
Now, let’s come to the subject matter which is attraction towards aggressive and dominant behavior. As discussed above that the criteria for selection of partner by females of the jungle are entirely body obsessed, failure of intellectually development of women hinders them from rising above their natural animalistic tendencies and they unintentionally fall prey to their tendencies. I’m saying unintentionally because the intentions of body are different than that of ours as human beings.
It’s not that their intellect doesn’t warn them but their natural tendencies are so strong that doesn’t let them act intellectually. This holds good in other circumstances too such as promiscuity as there is no concept of loyalty in the jungles. A bitch (female dog) engaging in sexual activity with multiple dogs is justifiable as food and sex are the ultimate objective of their lives. However, the same doesn’t hold good in case of a human. As already mentioned, there is more to a human life than food and sex. The sex in human life should be similar to the tail of an elephant where the elephant signifies love, care, compassion and other attributes of a developed human.
This can be proved by the exceptions to the above category. There are women who are able to look above their natural tendencies. It is not that they don’t need food and sex. They do but not at the cost of love and compassion. For them, love and compassion come above food and sex. But, love and Compassion don’t come naturally, it has to be learnt; learnt through right education.
The same reasoning applies to the justification of meat-eating too. While the concept of the food chain holds true in the jungle, a civilized society should prioritize compassion. In the practical world, no vegan dies due to lack of protein but millions of animals die due lack of compassion every day. As developed human beings, we don’t lack protein, we lack compassion!!
To conclude, attraction towards Alpha personality indicates failure to rise above bodily tendencies which is the ultimate barrier in the way of women empowerment. The women have to take responsibility of their development on themselves. As long as they keep identifying themselves as body, there is no scope of intellectual growth. Without intellectual growth, gender equality is just a distant dream as there is no such concept in the jungles!!
Note: This post is created with the sole purpose of assisting the women in better understanding the barriers in their way of empowerment/equality. The author has no intention to hurt the sentiments of any caste/creed/sex/society.