Last night I had a dream. Four respected ladies Radha, Sita, Rukmani and Gita were sitting with cup of coffee in hand and were talking about some thing important and relevant.
Radha said” dear friends, we are #ageing and are at door of next phase of our lives. “
Sita said “We’re at the age where we see lot of #wrinkles, mixture of grey-black hair, and extra pounds in form of sagging skin on our bodies.”
Gita said ” when I see cute 25-year-olds girls/ladies I remember my old days. We were always involved with some thing #creative to do for children with enthusiasm and energy. Of course we were neither #appreciated and nor our skills could make us get some finacial gains.”
Rukamani said ” friends at this age we are passing our wisdom and experience for our next generation to follow.”
Radha said” Friends we have raised families, ran households with small resources, paid the bills, dealt with all types of diseases, sadness and everything else which life had #assigned us.”
Gita said “Some of us lost our nearest and dearest also in this aging process.”
Rukamani said”We are survivors of this #ageing war.We are warriors in the quiet space.We are women, with lot of determination .”
Radha said “Even if our bodies aren’t that strong and fit what they once were, they carry our golden souls, our unique courage, and our strength. “
Sita said “We have entered this ‘old age’ with in our lives with grace, and pride over everything we had been through, and we should feel proud about this #natural process of getting older”.
Gita said “It’s a previlege that is denied to so many of our dear friends. Some way it is for us to #celebrate this old age”.
I had the previlege to serve tea and snacks to those respected ladies. I concluded the session and said” Respected ladies, we know till today you never worked for pay. Sometimes family and society did not recognize contribution of you(old generation). In this gathering it is good you acknowledged your accomplishments and claimed your worth. “
I further added “I wish younger generation takes your gift of knowledge and skills to higher level and get benefited from same.”
I at once realized it is time for me to go to school. But that #dream is intact in my subconscious mind till this date.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK