Introduction and history
Mint can be classification contains many species. Peppermint is a cross between spearmint and water mint which is a hybrid of mint species. Mint dates back to Greek mythology where it was cultivated across the land fields. The ancient Greek used its engaging essences as perfume by rubbing it on their body. Mint originated in the Mediterranean and later to familiarize to Britain and finally America. It is said that when the travelers landed in America, mint was one of the plants they brought on their way overseas.
Today the most famous types of mint are peppermint and spearmint .Peppermint and spearmint grows well in rich soil that holds lots of water. These plants generally grow approx two feet tall and have a fresh redolence. Mint is very popular herb, it has now become known across the region. Mint has pleasant fragrance and can be consumed either dried or fresh forms. While eating this herb it provides certain health benefits. Here are 10 health benefits of mint.
1. Cure’s indigestion
From the fields of an ancient time to the present day, mint has a long history to treat indigestion problems. In early times, the entire mint plant was considered useful. Mint contain menthol which contains is a chemical naturally found in peppermint which activates the release of bite salts by the liver. Further duodenum increases the solubility of in-digested fat and vitamins, simplify their digestion and absorption. Peppermint calms the muscles of the stomach and improves the overall process of digestion and relives the problems caused due to undigested food. It is also found that the herb relives acidity, stomach cramps, relaxes the muscles and allows the painful gases pass. Studies have shown enteric-coated peppermint capsules can help treat symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) including pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea, even against food poison.
2. Oral care and odor
Mint is excellent for oral health. Clinical research has verified its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as its ability to stimulate saliva production. The stimulated saliva is better for teeth because chewing herbal leaves has calcium and bicarbonate contributing to a higher ph level which makes saliva even better as it kills the bacteria affecting the mouth, further preventing from tooth decay and cavities. Mint also reduces the formation of bacteria responsible for bad breath, without irritating, damaging or stinging the mouth. The high antioxidant levels found in mint helps in controlling bleeding and avoiding swollen gums, more over it also deliver deep hygiene of the oral membranes. Since it contains menthol which gives a cooling sensation and its piquant aroma refresh your mouth.
3.Peppermint oils
Peppermint oil is frequently used for flavoring in foods, beverages, soaps and cosmetics. Some studies shows peppermint oil is better for pain, so it may act as a pain killer. Moreover it can be a great way to help your body relax and reduce muscle pain. The components found in peppermint oil prevent the infection that leads to a fly in the ointment tract of respiratory system and ameliorate your migraine, reducing congestion which offers relief from scratchy throat by restoring your airways. This fresh, enlivening redolence of the most powerful oil in your collection which delivers instant vitality and feels like full of joy of spring. In case of sleepless night plugging peppermint oil diffuser will heighten the whole abode and turning a blind eye to tension by instigating rejoice in the air. In other words, it will make you feel calm as cucumber releasing anxiety and headache.
4. Nutrients
As we know earlier, mint contributes essential vitamins and minerals to our body when it is consumed in right proportion. Mint leaves are rich in vitamin A which are important for your eyes and it is also rich in iron, potassium and magnesium .These minerals improves the hemoglobin levels, reinforcement of the bone density ,jaw and teeth. Having lower calories and greater in antioxidant which may aids to weight loss. In addition, mint leaves may repair cellular damage resulting in enhancing your overall health.
Mint leaves may act as a remedy from the days of yore because it restrains eruptions of pimple skin infections, acne and scars. Applying mint leaves may heal wounds, cuts, mosquito bites as well as provides relive from itching and swelling skin. As mint has copious amount of vitamin C, it acts as cleanser removing the dirt from pores and scrub off the dead skin which protects you from harsh sun rays as a result your skin become smoother, hydrated and rash free. The clear skin makes you look easy on eyes. Further, the presence of menthol in mint leaves has the capability to cure dark circle by giving cooling effect keeping your skin as fresh as dew.
6. Hair care
The antioxidant present in the herb restores the hair growth and development. Applying mint mask on hair reduces hair loss and contributing in volume of the hair. The anti fungal properties in mint leaves may help you to get rid of the dandruff and clears the surface by giving cooling sensation afterwards. It can also treat oily scalp which provides relive in summers when the scalp produces more oil than usual. In addition, using mint oil increases blood circulation trigging new hair cells leaving behind silky, smooth and nourish hair.
7. Brain activities
Mint leaves are beneficial for your brain heath and makes improvement in day to day activities. These herbs enhance evocation and increases vigilance by boosting your concentration on a specific topic and meliorate overall performance. The pleasant redolence of the oil decreases the level of frustration, anxiety and depression thus helping in proper brain function. By inhaling the aromatic fragrance of mint oil, your mind instantly become calmer and relaxed which improves sleeping disorder by providing you with a comfortable and appropriate environment. Lastly it also prevents the brain from damage caused by tension, stress, pressure, nervousness and many more.
8. Allergies
Mint leaves has powerful element like antibacterial and anti inflammatory agent thus lending a hand in curing the people suffering from any sort of allergies. The antibacterial properties present in mint helps in healing the distress caused due to the changing weather. Mint also reduces allergies caused by pollen and dust. Moreover it may provide relief which gives rise to swollen membrane in the nose by allowing you to breathe smoothly. Last but not the least, adding mint leaves in your diet on regular basis improves symptoms from asthma to some extent.
9. Morning sickness
Mint is an excellent remedy to treat morning sickness or nausea. Study shows that as mint is better for digestion, it may cure morning sickness and vomiting which usually occurs in early pregnancy. Inhaling peppermint oil or consuming few fresh leaves of mint gives comfort in acidity and upset stomach problems leading to vomiting caused by undigested food. Therefore mint is a natural and safe remedy for morning sickness.
10. Including in diet
Mint leaves are very famous across the globe when it comes to flavoring any kind and style of dishes .As mint has several benefits, adding mint to the dish gives refreshing aroma to any food and drinks like salads, seasoning, and chutneys. It is also used for garnishing making the dish full of flavors. Mint leaves or mint ice cubes are used during the summer time for preparing ice tea, refreshments and even for fresh lemonade. Further, people with sweet tooth can enjoy mint chocolates which are packed with bright and refreshing flavors.
Bottom line
Mint is a very useful herb when it comes down to its properties like antifungal, antioxidant and antibacterial many more. This herb can be beneficial in both conditions fresh as well as dry. Although mint is easy to utilize in variety of foods, refreshments, sweet dishes and for garnishing. Its various health benefits helps in treating allergies, cold symptoms, sensitive stomach and even bad breath. The component menthol present in mint leaves gives smoothing and cooling effect on your skin and hair while applying it. Last but not the least, inhaling peppermint oils also holds several advantages to cure sleeping disorders, increasing active brain functions, mood lifter and relax you after a busy day. You can’t go wrong by adding some mint in your diet thus making it an important ingredient.
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