From blurred levels, I take my flight,
A silver tear in the delicate nightfall.
Moving on breezes, I twirl and twist,
A brief second, where excursions start.
I follow the skies, a vagabond free,
Kissing the sun, then embracing the ocean.
With each heartbeat, the world extends,
A minuscule explorer in nature’s grasp.
I fall through the air, a murmuring moan,
Down to the earth where the green leaves lie.
In a kid’s outstretched palm, I sparkle,
A delicate fortune, a transient dream.
I fall through the grass, a feeding kiss,
Arousing roots, in the calm ecstasy.
With each delicate touch, life begins to blossom,
As I wind through the dirt, dispersing the anguish.
However, my excursion’s not interminable; the sun entices close,
To rise by and by, to vanish.
Vanishing delicately, I join the sky’s stream,
A cycle solid, where all streams go.
From cloud to earth, and back to the blue,
A solitary raindrop, a story once more.
In each plunge, a reason I find —
To support, to purge, to bind together psyche.