The whispers breath part 1

    Mihir Panchal
    0 Likes | 1 Views | Oct 23, 2024

    1. Arrival in Hollowbrook

    The narrow, winding road twisted through the forest, thick fog

    wrapping around Olivia's car like a cold embrace.

    She tightened her grip on the wheel, trying to suppress the unease

    crawling under her skin. Hollowbrook was supposed

    to be a quiet town where she could escape her past - a place to heal.

    The house she inherited from her estranged grandmother was

    ancient, with ivy creeping up cracked walls and windows

    that seemed to watch her. A strange heaviness lingered in the air as if

    the house was waiting. As Olivia unlocked the

    front door, it groaned open, revealing a foyer steeped in dust and


    A faint noise pricked at her ears - a whisper. She shook her head,

    dismissing it as the wind stirring the trees.


    6. The Final Whisper

    Something slithered across the floor behind her, and Olivia turned,

    tears streaming down her face. She could barely make out

    a shape - twisted, skeletal, with hollow eyes that glimmered in the

    faintest hint of moonlight.