Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Image

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

    Can Tran
    0 Likes | 4 Views | Oct 22, 2024

    On September 22, 1999, Capcom launched Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in Japan on the Sony PlayStation.  It was available in North America on November 11, 1999, and in Europe on February 21, 2000.  

    This game would be part of the iconic Resident Evil trilogy on the PS. 

    Taking place 24 hours before and 24 hours after Resident Evil 2, you play as ex-R.P.D. officer Jill Valentine (one of the four survivors of the first Resident Evil), who escapes Raccoon City while pursued by the titular antagonist “Nemesis.”

    Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Rpd

    Days before the events of Resident Evil 2, where Leon S. Kennedy (a rookie cop on his first day) runs into Claire Redfield (Chris Redfield’s younger sister), Raccoon City suffers the effects of the Umbrella Corporation’s biological outbreak.  Nothing is done to protect the citizens because Raccoon City Police Chief Brian Irons is bent and on Umbrella’s payroll.  

    It’s Irons’ fault that many Raccoon City residents lost their lives.

    The Story

    Before the events of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, the surviving S.T.A.R.S members (including Jill) confront Irons about his reluctance to investigate Umbrella.  This puts them on Umbrella’s radar which endangers them and everyone close to them.  Chris fled to Europe to conduct his secret investigation and Barry Burton relocated with his family to Canada (before joining Chris in Europe).

    Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Jill Epilogue

    Rebecca went elsewhere and Brad Vickers remained in the city.

    Jill secretly returned to Raccoon City to further her investigation until the T-virus outbreak in Raccoon City and the G-virus outbreak inside the Raccoon City Police Department.  She briefly reunites with Brad who warns her that “it’s coming for them” which he refers to as the Nemesis.

    Once Jill reaches the front entrance, she witnesses Nemesis killing Brad (which is connected to Resident Evil 2).

    This is where players taste the “Split Second” feature.  When you confront Nemesis for the first time, you can choose to “retreat inside” or “stay and fight.”  If you pick the former, you have to take the “scenic” route to grab Jill’s ID card.  If you pick the latter, you can quickly search Brad’s body for his ID card before retreating into the building.  If you stand your ground and defeat Nemesis (for the first time), he drops a part (one of many) that you collect to create a new weapon.

    Once you enter the building, you do the usual round of puzzle-solving.

    The Nemesis surprises you on the way out and he’s packing a rocket launcher, adding to the scare factor, which makes him the first Resident Evil enemy to use human weapons.  The second enemy to use human weapons is the Sweeper from Resident Evil Survivor.

    If Nemesis can’t get you with his fists and tentacles, he can get you with his rocket launcher (if he has enough ammo).  If you’re brave enough, you can shoot his rocket launcher enough times that it explodes.

    After leaving the police department building, which she’ll NEVER return to, Jill ventures across Raccoon City to escape.  She encounters Corporal Carlos Oliveira, a member of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasures Service (U.B.C.S).  Carlos introduces him to Sergeant Nikolai Zinoveaf (the game’s secondary villain) and Lieutenant Mikhail Viktor (the game’s equivalent to Marvin Branaugh).

    When they’re almost free, Nemesis invites himself on the trolley.

    A firefight ensues and Mikhail nobly sacrifices himself to throw Nemesis off the trolley, though the explosion makes it crash.  Jill and Carlos are separated and reunited when Nemesis infects Jill with the T-virus. While Jill is infected, players temporarily control Carlos who races to the Raccoon City Hospital to create a vaccine.  He crosses paths with Nikolai, again, who reveals his duplicity as a secret “supervisor.”  

    Carlos survives the encounter, thanks to Tyrell Patrick’s final act, and escapes.  He makes it back to the church though Nemesis, in his second form, is there to greet him.  You have to race back to Jill in time to save her.  If you choose to fight Nemesis, there’s an optional battle where he breaks into the room and bludgeons Jill to death if Carlos fails. 

     Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Image 2

    Fast-forward to the end, Nikolai leaves Jill for dead because the United States President ordered atomic weapons to be fired at Raccoon City to eradicate the T-virus.  Jill defeats the Nemesis and escapes with Carlos on a helicopter piloted by Barry.  

     Carlos hasn’t appeared in another official game since then unless you count the Resident Evil 3 remake.

     Jill doesn’t appear again until Resident Evil 5 but is only playable in the short expansion story where she assists Josh Stone.

     The Ramifications Of Resident Evil 3’s Story

     Resident Evil 3: Nemesis impacted the main story universe in many ways.

    Brad’s death infected his body with the T-virus and it reanimated him as a special zombie, which is an optional encounter in Resident Evil 2.

     Raccoon City’s destruction triggered the events of Resident Evil: Degeneration.

    The mass casualties of the Umbrella Security Service (U.S.S.) members during the Raccoon City outbreak led to the events of Resident Evil: Death Island.

    Jill’s encounter with the T-virus played a crucial role in Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil: Death Island.


    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is one of the greatest games created by Capcom.  It is a reminder of why Resident Evil is the mother of survival horror.  Even though the game was remade a few years ago, the original Resident Evil 3 resonates more.

    Jill cemented herself as one of Capcom’s flagship heroes.  It shows in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes and TEPPEN.

    Nemesis cemented himself as one of Capcom’s flagship villains as he appeared in Project X Zone, Project X Zone 2, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and Dead by Daylight.

    The game was remade for modern consoles with many story changes.


    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis’ gameplay is unchanged.  If you can play the first two titles, you can play this one.

    The game has unique features you won’t see in the previous two titles.  The “split second” dynamic pops up at important points of the game and your choices affect how the story plays out.  This also affects what locations you visit first or second.  

    Nemesis also appears at random points in the game and will chase you room-to-room.  Your only safe space is the Save Room.  Nemesis will leave after Jill stays in the Save Room for an extended period but at the cost of getting a high score.

    Standing your ground and defeating Nemesis at every encounter allows you to build new weapons.

    Barrels and wall explosives appear in certain areas that can be triggered by shooting them, which wipes away nearby enemies.  

    Beating the game unlocks “Mercenaries Mode” which is the basis for all future games with this mode.  

    Overall, this is a great game to play.  If you come across a hard copy of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, get it.  

    Read my other version of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis’ 25th anniversary on Medium.

    In related news, Capcom’s Aliens vs. Predator celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.