In Sanskrit “Asana” means without difficulties or effortless.
Most difficult asan is #”ashvasan” meaning hopeful.
Breathing exercises improves body mind well being and helps in mood swing.
Deep breathing helps in promoting #”vishvas” meaning faith in personality.
“Yog” in Sanskrit means to #unite.
Most difficult yog is #”viyog” meaning disconnection.
Best yog is “sahyog” meaning union of two souls( may be human souls). #Sahyog can also be union of human soul with environment.
In life try to practice asana with #breathing exercises to get feel of ashvasan and vishvas.
Conclusion- Practice “Yoga” for well fare of body and mind.
Facing #viyoga in life is most difficult format of Yoga.
Practicing “sahyoga”helps human being to walk in direction of success and happiness.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK