
12th September 2024 | 13 Views | 0 Likes

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The discussion was thick with expectations.A high stakes poker diversion was underway in a faintly lit penthouse ,ignoring the bustling city.

The players,a diverse team of extremely rich people and black market figures ,were bolted in a noiseless fight of mind and nerves.

Among them was Alex,a charismatic youthful tech tycoon.He had been playing for long hours,his luckiness holding relentlessly.But as the night grew dark ,he noticed something wrong.He Felt an unusual appearance,a shadow at the corner of his eyes.

He looked around ,but everyone looked busy with their affairs.Once again he noticed a reflection in the chandelier !Yes, it was not a mistake or a dream . Something was surely wrong there.

He tried hard to see the reflection,but it was gone.Quickly he approached his colleagues,and warned them about what he had felt or seen. But it was late now! 

Suddenly the lights went off and there was dark all around .Panic spread among the players.Some quickly approached their phones,but all in vain! The phones were dead.A nerves chilling fear spread in the surroundings.

At that point,a swoon sound reverberated from the passage,a delicate musical, creaking sound.Alex knew what it was!

An entryway opening. He got his poker chips and made a break for it, but it was late. A figure ventured into the room, their confrontation darkened by the haziness. A cold, metallic glimmer caught the light,a gun!

To be continued….

Shweta Shrivastava



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