Creation 672622


    12th September 2024 | 1 Views | 0 Likes

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    am science  teacher in government  school.This year few student teachers(ST) came to do practice teaching(practice  teaching is part of bachelor education  degree) in my school.My school principal madam  assigned me responsibility to see that student teachers are comfortable in training of practice teaching. 

    I happen  to meet them(student  teacher)while taking  my regular  classes  .

    Few STs were not comfortable  in taking  classes

     I did understand  since ST did not have any experience  of teaching, therefore  facing class may be little difficult. 

    I did meeting with all STs and said “Dear ST! you should feel proud that you  have fortune of teaching talented,  brilliant, visionary and thoughful students.”

     I continued my talk and said “Friends! teacher can not choose her/his teaching journey circumstances. There are many problems a teacher faces in his/her teaching journey. He/she has to choose percepective of (ability to consider things in relation to one another accurately and fairly.)” given situation. There are two sides of perspective  in given situation.

     I said”students! sometimes one perspective  of given situation in teachers  journey is that teacher get angary in given situation and spills anger emotions  over worthy students. Alternative perspective  of same situation is that teacher is gareful to allmighy and in heart expresses gratitude to her/his worthy students who are giving him/ her opportunity  to impart knowledge.”

    I further said”dear STs, Of cours! there are challenges that comes along as many  students come from diverse background. A tteache’s job is to help them, learn to regulate students behavior so that students do not show   distraction in class while teacher is imparting  knowledge. Please do  welcome these challenges in your teaching  journey.  It  will help teacher  grow professionally, forcing him/her to rethink strategies and lesson approaches. “

    MORAL-When teacher work on positive  perspective  of problems of his/her teaching  journey, he/she  faces challenges with positive attitude.

    It’s a joy to work with intelligent  students who is hanging on every word, who cares about whether his/her answer was right or wrong or why.So please choose your peperspective carefully. 

     I am science  teacher in government  school.This year few student teachers(ST) came to do practice teaching(practice  teaching is part of bachelor education  degree) in my school.My school principal madam  assigned me responsibility to see that student teachers are comfortable in training of practice teaching. 

    I happen  to meet them(student  teacher)while taking  my regular  classes  .

    Few STs were not comfortable  in taking  classes

     I did understand  since ST did not have any experience  of teaching, therefore  facing class may be little difficult. 

    I did meeting with all STs and said “Dear ST! you should feel proud that you  have fortune of teaching talented,  brilliant, visionary and thoughful students.”

     I continued my talk and said “Friends! teacher can not choose her/his teaching journey circumstances. There are many problems a teacher faces in his/her teaching journey. He/she has to choose percepective of (ability to consider things in relation to one another accurately and fairly.)” given situation. There are two sides of perspective  in given situation.

     I said”students! sometimes one perspective  of given situation in teachers  journey is that teacher get angary in given situation and spills anger emotions  over worthy students. Alternative perspective  of same situation is that teacher is gareful to allmighy and in heart expresses gratitude to her/his worthy students who are giving him/ her opportunity  to impart knowledge.

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