Are you Working Smartly ?

Pexels Daniyal Ghanavati 10741 70069

12th September 2024 | 15 Views | 0 Likes

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I  am science  teacher  in government school. I am incharge of co -curricular  activities  of school.

Other day I met my old student Suman Dubey at party.She said “it is world of science  technology. I believe in working “smartly. Madam I have been telling  same to my friend  Radha. But madam Radha believes in working #hard .Madam our #ideologies are different. “

I said “dear Suman;Radha is walking on #right path and you are #illusioned by path defined as working “smart”.

I further  added”dear Suman! pre- requiste of “smart working” is -working #”irrationally” very hard. Walking on #”hard working” path is fundamental  concept of every good worker.”

Moral-one can’t  work #smartly unless one has long experience of working irrationally  very hard.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Sukarma Thareja



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