Desire -Expectaion-Quote Sukarma Thareja

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Sukarma Thareja

12th September 2024 | 7 Views | 0 Likes

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Desire -Expectation

Each one of us has thought #patterns I brain.These thought patterns  make desire and #expectation of person.

Having too many desires make #imbalance in life.To full fill ones desire many people start earning money by unfair means.That disturbs the #balance of life.

One should decrease one’s  desire as one grows with time.This makes one a #mature person.

Similarly  expecting  something from  others is not positive  #pattern of thinking.Oneshould always ask question to oneself-why should I expect from others.

As nails grow we cut them to #optimum  length at right time. Similarly  it is best to cut our #desires and #expectation with respect  to time.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Sukarma Thareja



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