Make your Child Pride.
Primary #education is right time for students to learn about #Reading,#writing and learning #maths.
In case of language learning #parents should help students/children where to put semicolon, #comma and full stop while constructing sentence.When should students put #capital letters or small letters while constructing #sentences .Students/children should learn in which tense(present, past,future) they are #writing.Making children learn language #skills in primary school is very important. This skill makes students/children #confident in each sphere of life.
This activity when #supervised by parents make #students proud in their class.
This habit of #supervising students/children at young age in language writing by parents make them full of #pride.Command on good language under #supervision of parents can help children/students in building good #communication skill and personality. Therefore make students/children write small paragraphs of day activity.Most important is to let children get #written pieces corrected by parents .This is foundation of home #schooling.Waiting that children/students written pieces will get corrected at school level,is not going to help taughts in personality building. Parents please do not leave this #responsibility to school. School does help in many other activities of children.
Moral -A stich in time #saves nine.