Importance of Creative Writing.

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Sukarma Thareja

12th September 2024 | 9 Views | 0 Likes

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Importance of Creative Writing.

As  student I wanted to make people feel the same way for me as they feel for chefs, the #artists, the musicians, and graphic #designers of society. I knew that the #writer in me was #awakened so I opted for creative writing.

Eventually my passion for writing, which was mainly expressed through #science arts  poetry translated over to my #professional career as teacher. I wrote two books in #science arts writing and published with  amazon. Then  my writing skills took on a different form as I wrote  #blog posts, articles, and more. Things started to click for me. I found my passion and a new #creative outlet.

That lead me what I am doing today.  I have found a community of #creatives who have a passion to write well and encourage one another as we all walk in this #journey to see where our writing will take us.Beyond the likes, follows, and #impressions, there is something more.Creative writing skill #channelizes my energies in good directions.When ever I get time I wish to write.Now there is no #emotions of fear and #worries in me.

 Creative writing helps me process my thoughts my #faith, my understanding of the world, and what is happening in my life which was not #concrete at some stage of my life .Some of my writings  are the expression of the deep #experiences positive,negative, dark and  bright inside my soul. My writings are record of the #rhythms of my heart and life in this #materialistic world where mothers are  home makers and are performing professional #responsibilities also.  They are trying their best to make balance between two different world. My creative writing also is my personal wishful  conversations with #God. In my creative writing journey I found that writing is #therapeutic.

Creative Writing is also my self-expression. In my writings I try my best to give voice to   women who are working  for personal or professional #mission silently.! My writings describes the deep inward thoughts of the conscience  of #woman-mother and #teacher.Creative writing has given me more confidence as #home maker-#professional person.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IIT-K-1986


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