Parenting Trick

Sukarma Thareja

12th September 2024 | 9 Views | 0 Likes

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I have a very disciplined friend Mr John. He has four school going kids. He is very supportive for his kids. Making them get up in morning  for school, making light breakfast for them etc is his pleasure.. At night Mr John and his wife keep their children school uniform ready so that early morning there is no problems for kids. Special requirements of children for co curricular activities if required by school(mentioned in school diary) are also arranged by Mr and Ms John. 

John is believer of strict discipline which must be followed by kids. As kids grow little older John slowly transfer his responsibility which he was doing for kids to them(kids) . For example keeping their school uniform properly in cupboard. Asking parents  to arrange special material for their co curricular activities. 

Johns strongly believe that slowly and gradually transforming parents responsibility towards kids so that those responsibility become part of kids day to day life is very comforting in kids life. Example like taking bath, and polishing  shoes, packing their own lunch boxes. These activities though look small but is big step towards child’s independence. 

Johns suggest that this transition has to be Delta x  in nature. If some time children miss to do same ,warning is issued to kids. But according to John this practice of giving children responsibility of doing their own things make them wise, strong and mature. 

If parents fail to do this responsibility of transferring small life skill at younger age they are creating trouble for children in future life, specially when they get married. This discipline is very difficult to be inculcated in adult hood. 

Moral- pre requisite of this training require that parents are very friendly with kids. Then only they can built up trust of transferring small skill valuable to kids for leading comfortable life. 


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Sukarma Thareja



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