Bald Eagle 140793 1280

The other birds will never understand, what the eagle thinks about its flight.


    12th September 2024 | 7 Views | 0 Likes

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    Eagles are large, powerfully-built birds of prey, with heavy heads and beaks. They are able to fly during storms and glide from the wind’s  pressure. They build their nests (called eyries) in tall trees or on high cliffs. Due to their size and power, they are ranked at the top of the food chain as apex predators in the avian world. Bird 7827680 1280

    Similar to an Eagle, we are all built differently. Our abilities are different. Our lives, way of thinking, way to respond to different situations’ all differ. Even if two individuals had a similar upbringing, the way they grow in their life will differ. 

    Since we are born and when we start understanding what we want in our life, our natural tendency is to give our best to grow and prosper. During this process we often meet people (specifically close ones, relatives, family etc.) who tell us not to pursue something which they don’t think we could achieve or they think it is not worth pursuing for us. It is their opinion based on information they have about us, and based on experiences they had in their own life. But do they think about all this from your point of view. Can they ever do that? How many of your family members know you completely? Out of the thousand thoughts a person has in a day, how many of those thoughts he shares with everyone else. If you could write all your thoughts you had on a particular day and check the same with your closed ones very few thoughts would be the same. Out of the blue, even if all thoughts do match does anyone else know what kind of person you are? What you want in your life? What are your dreams and aspirations?

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    In life, isn’t it important to work on your own skills; mindset and abilities. No other person will be able to understand you completely. If things start getting hard, it is important to focus on practicing your skills, analyze where to put efforts and to do required actions. Just because someone doesn’t understand your dream or vision doesn’t mean any of you two are wrong. It only means two people cannot completely know each other.

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    Depending on your skills and abilities you can achieve the target set by you and no one else. No one can ever understand you better than you. It doesn’t matter how you look upon yourself and which category of bird in the food chain you symbolise yourself. It is indeed your own individual responsibility to think high about yourself, believe in your ability and work towards your betterment. As said earlier, the other birds will never understand what the eagle thinks about its flight.

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