Sitting by the fire
I wandered about my past
Those memories still shivers me
As I was alone and lonely
I was out on my will
Away my people who loved me
Away from family
Away from my friend and my love
I was out to earn
Losing myself in return
There was no choice
As this was my requirement
I had my will
I was loosing my friend and family
Being away form them
Was making me go farther from them
I started overthinking
Every little thing
I was on the verge of depression
Becoming a reason for my extinction
With all the dark in within
I had noting left to see
Suddenly a ray of hope
Lighted my path
This was the dream
I was once chasing
With nothing more to loose
I went after it like a moose
The dream didn’t came alone
I became closer to my family
My friend were back in life
And my love was still by my side
The fear of loosing everyone
The fear of being left alone
Was ruining everything
Until I chased my dream
At present I have everyone
Holding hand together
Living like the dream family
And the phobia is out of the picture