Does Reminiscence Help—–

Sukarma Thareja

12th September 2024 | 5 Views | 0 Likes

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When I was studying in school, it used to be lot of fun. I believed in doing my home work very# neatly. I promptly used to do other activities at home and will go out for playing with my friends in evening. In co curricular #activities I used to take help from my elder sister. Solving difficult #mathematics problems with my friends in free classes was my favourite pass time in school. We used to have #General knowledge quiz once in a month. I used to note down important news from #newspaper in one diary to prepare for general knowledge quiz.

On examination days many of my friends will come half an hour early to school. That time we will use for #clearing our last minute doubts about subject.

As I grew old I had many sweet and #unpleasant memories stored in my mind. Recollecting all thoughts I wrote poem #”positive catalyst” the same I am listing below for my esteem readers

When I was young; pleasant and sad memories,

 Of my life were stored in my mind,

But it seems with age my #changing mind,

Has only impressions of those memories.

Oh! what a letter of memories from my mind,

About my friend teachers , #scientist and officer,

I   rejoice memories of their formal success in life,

Yes! these fond memories fold – #meld my life.

During my regular session of #meditation,

I get letters of fond memories,

Of my mother/family preaching from my mind,

Always water plants with respect please!

  Don’t open water tap full, please!

ln plate, don’t leave any food please!

Sometime I get letter of #fond memories,

 Of my father/family preaching from my mind.

Please stick to merit  and #genuine need,

 Of candidate, who come for help,

Please beware of fake #recommendations,

Please see to it people don’t take you for ride,

These memories of   #changing mind, my life they  read -fold .

With my child/adult hood memories, in #envelop of life,

Fond memories of my college life give me riddle,

Fond memories of value education of mother/father solves my #riddles,

I am confused! how should   I search for good quality life.

Memories of accomplishment of many mile stones in my life,

  Make me happy, but during meditation my changing mind,

 Has sweet memories of decision making moments,

When I practiced my mother/father #preaching in life,

These memories – act as Positive #Catalyst to my changing mind,

From good to best they bring #shift to my quality of my life.

Sukarma Rani Thareja




Moral of story- child/adult hood memories, in envelop of life, give valuable lesson to life. The same act as positive catalyst in bringing change from good to best in quality of life.

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