I was very busy with my girl students in science lab.Our school had decided to put open house for school
children,guests and parents. We all science teachers were giving final touches to science projects and
models which were to be displaced in open house of school.To help students and teachers work in
their comfort zone, school provided every one helping in open house activity of school with hot
good spiced tea after every two hours.It was lot of fun to work with young minds(girls) who wish to do science
at higher education.
I came home and before night sleep I wrote poem about young minds(girls) interested in science.The same
I pasted on notice board of my school. The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.
Spiced Tea-Scientist
Today’s women scientists, Work very hard toward their #passion for science, They boil themselves like spices in tea, When fresh researcher in lab science, They are like pure milk -fresh cool, While working in lab science, They get crushed like ginger in spiced science tea, With their own power analytical, And scientific aptitude they add #flavours, Of sugar to science #spiced tea. Today’s women scientist are not only home makers, But CEO of established lab #prestigious, They use spices like no fear for storms of technology-science, Understanding of every #utility app of science, Writing #algorithm for #Artificial intelligence, In proportion appropriate, In making science spiced tea. Women scientist noble #souls have big passion, To work for world level program science, They do not mind If their spiced tea of science, Is in earthen pot or bone china, In US NASA, #Gaganyan or# Chandaryaan India. Words three beautiful, Try-true-trust, Women #scientist always keep ready in their pocket, And make spiced tea of science, With true #spirit of science, And try for better future of #humanity, With #infinite trust in almighty, In hearts of one and all, They are remembered fondly, For their significant role dual, Excellent/makers #spiced tea of science. Sukarma Thareja Alumnus IITK 1986 India https://sites.google.com/site/drsukarmaranithareja/home https://linksly.co/1a1L e Mail-sukarma@iitk.ac.in Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Amazon.com: Books Amazon US link : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521260060 https://droplink.co/yOkb Amazon UK link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1521260060 https://droplink.co/9XRmTZ