Law Of Attraction Pic

12th September 2024 | 24 Views | 0 Likes

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Let me start this article with a disclaimer. This article would be giving a very fresh take on this issue of law of attraction. I would not be giving a cliche lecture on this. Of course, in that sense, you must be knowing more than me. But what sets this article apart is that through this i would also be telling things that we do that doesn’t allow the law to work. Interesting enough!! Lets get started then:

So let me demonstrate few of the ways that people go about to attract the “Law of Attraction”:

1) This category of people keep thinking about a particular thing, every now and then , all the time , all the time (deliberately repeated) for few days expecting that particular thing would happen. But then you see its been a week and nothing happened. And you right away jump to the conclusion that ” Law of Attraction is a myth”. Don’t smile now if you think you already have done this. No No!! You can smile.

2) This category of people not just think incessantly but while doing it they also chant incessantly. As if this extra effort will do wonders. Well its something different. A step ahead but this again is not enough. 

3) This category of people are not just thinking about the thing they want, they are also acting towards it. Wait Wait. Don’t go anywhere. This is again a step ahead but still there’s something missing.  Now comes for your rescue this article.

Let’s understand now what is that missing element : 

See, the thing is, our brain loves a structured pattern and reasoning. Now when we ask our brain to believe on something, it may for some time, get to the terms of what we are making it to believe but after a certain point when our brain realizes that no result is coming and there is no strong reason why i should keep believing,  it consequently produces a vibration that it will not work. You feel that vibration and then you also act accordingly. Now, the most ideal way to go about is to not just think about the thing you want to have in your life, but to also act towards it and simultaneously keep telling your brain that this is reason why you are doing it.  For instance, You want to crack a particular examination. You start thinking about it and at the same time you are also working hard towards it. Now after a certain point you just remind yourself that when you started doing it you were at level 0. Its been a week and now you feel much better and perhaps my level must have gone up a bit. Therefore, my dear brain just keep believing it and after a certain point we would be reaching to a level where we would end up getting it.  The catch over here is that you are not just merely fooling your brain brainlessly but rather giving an overt reason of why it would happen. Your brain loves the reasoning and reinforces your thinking conviction.

On a concluding note, I would just let you all people know how the “law of attraction working” will look like: First you’ll be doing afore-mentioned   things and nothing will happen. You don’t stop here and keep the game on and then after a certain point you will see, something has happened. You still don’t stop here and then on a particular day you find yourself with a cup of tea and a big smile, patting your back that wow, FINALLY I HAVE GOT IT!!!  Now answer to the question whether “Law of Attraction” is a truth or a myth will depend upon what conclusion do you want. You are the author of your story, so now you decide is it just a myth or a truth. I have already decided for mine, now the turn is yours!!! NOW THE TURN IS YOURS!!! 

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