If you are one of those who have tried everything and still not be able to do something to loose your whole body fat than this would be more helpful to you. Today the best way to treat the whole body is scientifically. Whether you want to gain mass or loose fat. So that’s why I have come in order to help all of you. I made one more post related to tips to loss fat and it includes diet, etc. Check it out here Top 5 Ways to Loose Body Fat At Home(2019) And one more post related to calories calculator in order to calculate the amount of calories you require in order to loose fat. Check it out here only Calculate Your Body Fat % Here Only………….. But this would be what to do tips. This would be a logical and scientific way in order to loose fat. This is also named as Advanced Ninja Cardio. Basically every body type contain fat cells whether in less amount or large amount. But the real fat which are present are called Triglyceride or fatty acids which are trapped in the fat cells. If we have to loose fat then we need to make sure that from these fat cells we need to bring out the fatty acids. These would come into the blood streams and than we need to burn off the these fatty acids by doing workout. Normally from low intensity exercises one can loose these fats but it would be a long long process though. Doing these low intensity cardio for hours will lead to new adaptations into your body which help these fatty acids in your blood to burn off. But these exercises will also lead to muscle loss. And those who don’t know there is one training which is called HIIT[High Intensity Interval training] which is done in order to loose fat but as soon as you stop this training than the fatty acids would come into your blood stream and no advantage. So in this training we would be using both the below methods. We would be using HIIT so that the fatty acids come out from the fat cells and than Low Intensity training in order to burn off these cells.This could be done anytime whenever you are empty stomach or after 3-4 hours from meal. Because at that time your insulin level would be low and this cardio would only affect when your insulin level are low. One supplementation that you can add are given below. As caffeine would help in increasing your blood flow and tyro-sine would help in producing hormones which would help in fat loss. PROCEDURE:-
- One can walk in treadmill, cycle for 5-10 min in order to warm up.
- Than for next 10 min you would do HIIT. One should use those machine which they not commonly use. Do that machine for 1st min at an fast face with full energy and for next 1 min do it in a low pace. Repeat this for 10 minutes. Means total of 5 complete rounds. In this way your fatty acids would come out from your fat cells.
- Now take rest for 5 min.
- Step on treadmill and do it for 20-25 min at an average pace not too fast. This would help in burning that fatty acids.
- Do this for maximum 2-3 times a week. Not more than that.
- You could even do this after weight training also.
- Use machine that you not do normally.
Thanks for watching my blog. Till the next blog stay safe, be happy, live your life.