

Are you Child Inside?

I am science  teacher in government  school. I remember  my grand mother used to tell me “My #Child you will always have Child inside you through  out your life. Please never let child in you go away.” I never understood  my #grandma  statement.   Now I understand  her statement,and remember  her so much in my life. I always tell my students “Everyone start out as simple… Read More »Are you Child Inside?

Learning Through Hardship

After marriage woman has to work on two fronts that is personal and family front and second is professional front. Sometimes woman find it difficult to contribute to both fron. So she takes decision if totally forgetting professional front. This decision some time may give guilt of #dissatisfaction. Therefore don’t take decision without thinking #deeply.

I Remember my Parents -Parents

Grandparents are #jewels of family. Their experience is #treasure for grandchildren. They teach grandchildren every thing with love and affection. They never get #angary.


Sukarma Thareja in her article”Young Spirit”describes that quality of parenting is very important for kids.