Creativity develops in diversity
Creativity develops in diversity
To make women contribute to progress of country, it is essential that safe work environment be provided to them.
I am science teacher in government school. I remember my grand mother used to tell me “My #Child you will always have Child inside you through out your life. Please never let child in you go away.” I never understood my #grandma statement. Now I understand her statement,and remember her so much in my life. I always tell my students “Everyone start out as simple… Read More »Are you Child Inside?
Before giving health care commitments to others it is always recommended that one should also spend energies and time on self care also.
After marriage woman has to work on two fronts that is personal and family front and second is professional front. Sometimes woman find it difficult to contribute to both fron. So she takes decision if totally forgetting professional front. This decision some time may give guilt of #dissatisfaction. Therefore don’t take decision without thinking #deeply.
It is high time we #humans refuse to follow un natural path ways and save #environment. To enjoy nature we must #respect nature and be in our #limits.
Children do face problems in their #social life. Some time there are emotional, #health issues. Parents observe best solution to ₹₹problem come from children #themselves.
One should always keep an eye on one’s #character, the most #valuable trait of one’s personality.
Please never get into #inferiority or #superiority complex at any point in life. Life can take u #turn at any point of life. Please be humble and work hard #consistently to reach your goals of life.
Short poem describes how does one know and understand,
that no other person is more, lucky than oneself in life.
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