Honestly, I was expecting a 10 minute GD between 8 to 10 people, but it was 25 minute GD between 14 of us.
👉Preparation time - 2 minutes
👉Coming to the elephant in the room - The topic was future of Jobs and the challenge of AI.
📍Fortunately, I got to initiate the GD and put forth my points in front of the group. I largely spoke on the background of AI (Chatgpt, deepseek and India's advent in AI) and the impact that AI could create on the job market in the foreseeable future ( 1 to 1.2 minutes) - If you are getting to start then speak at least for 1.5 to 2 minutes if you can.
📍In a virtual/physical GD there will be a lot of cross talks but you will have to put forth your point and keep speaking until others stop. I could put forth my points in 2 out of 5 intense cross talks.
📍It is crucial to come up with new/interesting perspectives every time you get to speak or even in your first entry. While the narrative of the GD was shifting towards job losses, someone spoke about how AI will also create jobs.
📍The GD was narrowing to micro level job losses and impacts when someone on his first entry (after 8 to 9 mins of GD) just zoomed us all out by shifting it to macro level. Talking about the population of India, unemployment rate and job displacements.
📍Even if you do not have new points every time, you can counter others or add up to their points. It is recommended that you speak 3 to 4 times to be noticed by the moderator.
👉Group Task 📍 This was largely manageable where we all had to brainstorm and one by one give our recommendations on controlling pollution in India.
📍Once everyone had put forth their points, we had to summarize our final recommendations and then one of us had to explain it to the moderator.
📍Here again, the evaluation would be on how interesting your recommendations are (eg vertical gardens, EV wastage, carbon credits, reverse vending machine, etc).