It is weird whenever I smell a perfume that I used before or sometimes even a mosquito repellent, it forces me to remember certain memories. No matter what state of mind I am in, those memories flash before my eyes!
Whenever I smell the perfume that I bought during my date, I instantly remember every single detail about that day. Starts playing like a movie in front of my eyes.
Or a mosquito repellent reminds me of the time I was watching an anime during covid lockdown. About that night, the clothes that I was wearing, the light that was on, etc. Every single detail.
As our sense of smell is one of the five senses through which we navigate through the world, it is not unnatural that it can trigger certain events that are stored in our mind.
Now why a scent would target a specific but insignificant memory?
It is hard to tell.
But what I can say from my experience is that when I smelled that scent I thought to myself
That somehow registered in my mind. And our mind will show that memory whenever we smell that same scent.
Has anything similar ever happened to you?
Our mind has an infinite amount of storage space and it is believed by many experts that it has stored every single thing we have seen or heard in our life since the time we were born as memories. But they just pile up or lost somewhere in the infinite space of our minds.
And whenever we want to remember a specific event but can’t, we say
Which is not true.
It is just buried deep in a pile of information.
Those who believe in reincarnation say that our mind also has memories stored from our past lives. But forget about past life we can’t even remember what happened to us in today’s date last year.
What’s worse is there is no way to extract them by yourself. If you want to, you are going to need professional help.
And I don’t think it is in our power to force a scent to be associated with a particular event. It is something that just happens naturally.
But Just imagine wouldn’t it be nice to relive all your memories as and when you wish?
Thank you for staying until the end!