Just another day, another post, and me ranting about something pretty petty, and that is my weird relationship with tea and coffee. My love for one and company with the other is conflicting. Is it betrayal or just being open to options I don't know?
So here's the deal: I like the coffee for no reason, but I don't consume coffee twice even in a month. But I like it. On the contrary, I like tea, but maybe not always. I can't consume tea when there is intense heat outside, but my friend can. So yeah, I definitely do not love tea; otherwise, I could have had it like any other time irrespective of the temperature outside.
But I have tea almost every day, twice, for the simple reason that my mom makes it. We as a family kind of bond over it. Because tea becomes the common thing that we all agree on. Otherwise, in desi families, fancy things are for kids, and simple homemade food is for parents. Reason they don't like it, age factor, etc.
So we bond over tea, biscuits, rusk, and fritters on a chilly evening. And the habit has somehow grown on me; I have grown accustomed to that, even making tea rather than coffee to start the day with slices of rusk by the side.
Quite weird it is; I claim to like the taste of coffee, and they taste amazing, but I don't have it, and the jar of coffee just keeps awaiting its turn on the shelf, left untouched and neglected till it feels like, Let's have coffee.