
Self reliance

    Shweta Shrivastava
    4 Likes | 9 Views | Oct 14, 2024

    One day, a man found a fowl lying powerless and injured on the side of the road. He felt sorry for the bird,and picked up the winged creature, taking it to his home to care for it. He treated the bird’s wounds and took great care of it, and the fowl started to recoup, but it still might not fly.

     The man at that point asked an elderly man, "The wounded bird appears to be recuperating, but it still can’t fly. Should I take it close to a tree where other feathered creatures of its kind live? Maybe being with them will offer assistance to the bird and it will begin flying again." 

    The elderly man answered, "Since you brought it home and are taking care of it, why do you need to leave it to pass on? Its individual winged creatures, seeing it powerless and defenseless, will not let it live, and it will choke and die." 

    Friends, this same guideline applies to our society. Never uncover your shortcomings to anybody. Individuals esteem us as long as we show ourselves ,solid in their eyes. The minute they learn about our shortcomings or poor budgetary state, they make our life troublesome with insults and jokes. As the saying goes, "Rahim says, keep the torment of your heart to yourself, for individuals will as it were to make an appearance of sensitivity but can never really share your burden." 

    There are thousands who will chuckle behind your back, but finding somebody who stands by you is rare. That’s why an individual must offer assistance to themselves. The belief you put in yourself is the most prominent companion you’ll ever have
