"I'm tired and exhausted, depressed and worn
Filled with anxiety and fear that's torn
My mind and heart apart, leaving me drained
A soul sacrificed to fulfill others' gains
I've twisted my own thoughts, manipulated and swayed
Just to show how much I've invested in the fray
Yet, still, I can't find a reason to be alive
To feel joy, to thrive, to escape this endless strife
I've faced many consequences, with many more to come
Emotions that have ravaged me, left me feeling numb
I've experienced the depths of sorrow, the heights of pain
And still, I search for a glimmer of hope to sustain
I'm at my wits' end, lost and unsure of the way
Not knowing where life will lead me, day by day
I hope for a happy ending, a chance to start anew
To find my strength, my voice, my heart, and
see this through.