At one phase of my teaching journey , one of my student asked me"madam some times we students are caught in company of #negative people -friends and co workers, who try to #tear down our #dream.How to handle that peculiar #situation.Please share some experiences if possible".
I advised my students"friends at that phase of life when nothing is going right in one's life,best is to be #grounded or #slow down.Slowing down is a unique form of #meditation.Breathing in and out with #gratitude towards all mighty gives one unique #strength."
I further said"from my personal experience of life as woman-home maker-teacher I can say, accepting #slow down mode in difficult phase of life is a conscious choice.
Everyday spiritual activity like #pranayam and #surya namskar early morning in #slow down mode of life make one's footsteps meet mother Earth, who gives its #energy with #reverence to person who is in #slow down mode..Mother Earth supplies energy and makes body and soul of person in slow down mode #positive and fill one with lot of fresh #energy. Not only one gets #focused on what makes one #happy.But one becomes #fearless and worry less also. Person seeks one's biggest commitment in journey of life. One's mind, #body and soul now can fight any negative #battle of life. One can handle negative personality with lot of #ease.Hence friends opting for #slow down mode at right time in life journey gives positive energy, which is very #important and some times #do miracle in handling #negative situations of life.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK 1986