Fear of ?? About My Decision


12th September 2024 | 8 Views | 0 Likes

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Jens Lelie U0vgcioqg08 UnsplashI am science teacher in government school. My friend Krishna joined #Bachelor of Education course just after doing B. Sc(Hons) Chemistry. While most of her friends joined #M. Sc course. 

She was in #confused state what her friends will be thinking about her decision. Why did she join B. Ed course. She did #teaching for two years in school. After that she went to do master of science degree in university-Delhi. Again she used to get confused when many people asked her “why did you leave your teaching job”.She was so #hesitant to tell people that she is interested in #higher education. On the contrary she was always #confused what her friends will be thinking about her decision. 

After doing M.Sc, Krishna again joined school teaching. She decided to get married. Again she was confused what my friends will be thinking about my #marriage decision. 

The other day one of my senior teacher advised Krishna  to stop #worrying about what will people think about her decisions. She said”no body has time to peep into your life. Each one has got her/his set of problems to handle in life. All are trying to find #solutions for same”. When Krishna entered in her forties she gradually left this #insecurity of what will people think about her decisions she took in life. In her fifties Krishna was free from this type of #insecurity. She felt proud in taking a certain #decision in her life. 

Moral-One should take decision in life according to one’s #circumstances. One should come out of #fear of what people will be thinking about one’s life. 


sukarma.thareja @gmail.com

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



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