What People don’t Understand


12th September 2024 | 10 Views | 0 Likes

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It was 10 pm at night.I was falling #asleep. One angel like gentle lady came to me and said “my child! I am sorry I am disturbing you. Look dear, #Yamraj ji has come to me to take me to #God. He says your time on earth is over. I told #Yamraj ji please wait for a while. I came #running to you dear. “

Gentle lady further said ” My child, to day I got lot of green #vegetables from market. I have to cut all those vegetables and those vegetables are to be arranged in #freezer of fridge. Other wise all vegetables will go waste. My child one important task I wish to do before going to #God. That task is I wish to visit my #locker in bank.  I wish to distribute my #ornaments among my kids. Other important tasks are as follows

 1.I must bring #groceries which are needed to be filled in kitchen store.

 2.I have fixed some money in bank. It’s time for me to #extend that fixed money time period.”

She continued talking to me and said “You know my child I can’t do bank money transactions #on line as I am not digitally #literate. Now I repent so much for not learning operations of these #digital apps. “

Gentle lady further said”my child I have to grind #idly batter. Tomorrow I plan to give idly as packed #lunch for office goers. I have made Yamraj ji understand my #problems and has been repeatedly making request to #yamraj ji for not to take me to God. But he is not #agreeing to my request. Therefore dear child if Yamraj ji takes me along with him, I request you to complete my house hold task which I have #mentioned to you. “

It was time for me to get up. I realized that that #angel lady was my mother.  I was confused what type of this #dream was this. —

Moral -people think that #home makers have nothing #challenging work to do at home. That is not true. Home makers are back bone of any family. 

sukarma.thareja.knp @gmail.com

Sukarma Thareja


 Alumnus IITK


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