Algebra of parenting-Mothers

    Sukarma Thareja
    0 Likes | 16 Views | Sep 12, 2024558157 | 4287

    I am science teacher in government school. For many years Fortunately I was  given responsibility by school to look into parents teachers Association activities. During that responsibility I had fortune of interacting with mothers believing in different philosophy of #parenting kids. The same I am listing below

    1.mothers with high aspirations for children in academic and co curricular activities. 

    These mothers push children for academic #achievement and after school they send children for sports and music  activities. They don't mind setting stress ful environment for kids. They don't believe in much social platforms. 

    Positive point about these mothers is they make it a point to sit in audience and attend music/sports performance of their children. This activity of their mother give children moral support and they do well in music and sports 

    These tiger children of these determined mothers,I observed are part of our school music group. My personal observation is these tiger children are part of our shool swimming team and basketball team. School feel proud of these children performance. 

    Positive point of this approach is: it is good students get good grades in academic activities and at same time they come to realise importance of practice and commitment through music and sports activity. But this approach negative point is that sometimes children are not able to carry them properly in social gathering and become introvert also. They are not able to understand their peer's behaviour. They feel lost also. 

    2.mothers who are casual and work on suggestion of activities suggested by school for their kids. 

    Children whose mothers don't push them hard , are casual and always try their best to be in their comfort zone. But they have good social skills. 

    There are positive and negative sides of both approaches mentioned above for rasing children. 

    My opinion is that taking children to library is also important for their development.They learn expression and gradual command on language. It is good to limit screen times for kids, by making children visit museums and exhibition children get cultural education.

    Role of technology in learning  of kids can't be denied. Social skills of children are also important and social platform given to kids at right time make tremendous difference in child's personality. 

    Taking care of balance of academic and co curricular activity is best for children development. If one feels that child need extra help. It is better to arrange good tutor for kid's  activity where need is required. But extreme pushing by mothers for any activity of child, I think is not going to give expected result. Yelling at kids by mother is not a good parenting skill.

    Sukarma Thareja

    Alumnus IITK
