What are the original behaviours of thinkers


12th September 2024 | 6 Views | 0 Likes

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Every one could have been a  positive thinker

Thinking is good if you can control what you are thinking about. We find ourselves wondering, and we become anxious or depressed.Every generation’s innovators and creators are encouraged to believe that they can unleash new creativity based on their ideas.Not all thinkers are creators, because some people seriously cannot withstand the prerequisites of creative thinking.I am talking about inner peace while enjoying solitude and mindfulness.

What are the behaviours of thinkers?

  1. Observation: It doesn’t matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, but it’s healthy to get silent and just see what is happening in your surroundings.You might see what you can do or what you can’t do.People can do something in front of you, and you can see how they suffer in the long run. From there, you can make some affirmations not to do what they have done because of the suffering you have seen with them. When you see someone doing good things and you admire them, you can build some positivity about trying it out because of the value that you have recognized in it. It is also good because it becomes a pursuit that you get from just being silent and curious.I will give a general example of what happened to me.I used to admire public speakers for a long period of time, and I asked myself what I should do to become one of them.I did some research and practice for some time, and as I am speaking now, I am one of those people who can mesmerize whenever I speak, but the pursuance just came from admiring others.
  2. Self-reflection is the process of recalling what has happened to us or how we have acted and reacted in the past. This is helpful in that it creates self-awareness after our evaluation of every step that we have taken, both physically and mentally.It assists us in recognizing our weaknesses, mistakes, and strengths.If you are to make a flashback of how you have been behaving mentally and physically,make sure that you practice self-condemnation and compassion just for your own good.It is very good in that you can recognize a mistake and depict many what-ifs.I have been a driver for many years, but when I reflect on how dozy I was the day before and how deadly it might be in case of an accident,I just rush to bed.It helps us to create different resolutions that we can use in the future, even if we have not suffered from our past actions.
  3. Introspection:This is the practice of reading our thoughts and feelings so that we create a positive sense of wellbeing from within us (intrinsic wellbeing).It is when you confirm that yes, I am stressed, depressed, or anxious that you ask yourself how to fix that intrinsic torture that has built itself in you.

What are the foundations of thinking?

  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Self compassion
  • self condemnation
  • Journaling
  • Execution
  • Forgiveness
  • Self control 
What are the results of thinking?
  • Improved creativity and problem solving.
  • increasing logic and reasoning.
  •  increasing analytical and critical  practices.
  • Decision making.



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